Trout-Friendly Lawns and Native Pollinator Landscapes

B On 33

Spring is finally here and the vibrant green grass and beautiful wildflowers are starting to grow.  One thing we can all agree on is that Teton Valley is a special place.  Our clean water, abundant wildlife, and recreational opportunities are a blessing that draws us together.  As agricultural land turns residential and development continues to accelerate, residents, landowners, and landscapers can make a big difference in protecting our pristine water and creating habitat for native pollinators.

Joining forces to share a unified message, Friends of the Teton River, Teton Conservation District (WY), and B on 33: Beautifying Our Byways, are offering a FREE workshop entitled “Trout Friendly Lawns & Native Pollinator Landscaping” for community members on Thursday June 13 from 5 to 7 pm at the Senior Center (Seniors West of the Tetons, 60 S Main Street). Refreshments will be provided.

This workshop is ideal for any Teton Valley land owner, whether you have landscaping knowledge or not, you’ll learn something new and worthwhile. It’s also a great entry point for local landscapers to learn about trout friendly lawn care practices that can be offered to residents. The emphasis of the program will be on simple changes you can make to conserve water and prevent contamination of our waterways. Friends of the Teton River is promoting a voluntary certification through the Trout Friendly Lawns Program. Details on enrollment and lawn care best practices will be shared.

Teton Conservation District’s (TCD) Native Plant Specialist, Morgan Graham, will present ideas on landscaping decisions to support native pollinators including best native plants, how to help them establish, TCD online resources, and information about the cost-sharing grant available for Alta, Wyoming residents to convert residential landscapes into native pollinator paradise. 

B on 33: Beautifying Our Byways, a new grassroots initiative aiming to plant native wildflowers along the highway 33 bike path/scenic byway, will present a project overview and volunteer opportunities.  Several other organizations will be available to answer questions about soil testing, noxious weed control, and other resources available to Teton County residents. 

We hope you’ll join us for this fun and informative gathering as you get excited about spring wildflowers and summer landscape and yard care projects. It’s also a great time to meet your neighbors and other members of the community.  The event is free and open to all ages.  For more information, contact [email protected]

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