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What is B on 33?

What is B on 33?

Beautifying Our Byways B on 33: Beautifying Our Byways was founded in summer 2023 by a passionate group of locals who were inspired by wildflower medians in other communities and wanted to bring that beauty to the Highway 33 bike path in Teton Valley.   What does the “B” stand for?  A lot of important…

Trout-Friendly Lawns and Native Pollinator Landscapes

Trout-Friendly Lawns and Native Pollinator Landscapes

B On 33 Spring is finally here and the vibrant green grass and beautiful wildflowers are starting to grow.  One thing we can all agree on is that Teton Valley is a special place.  Our clean water, abundant wildlife, and recreational opportunities are a blessing that draws us together.  As agricultural land turns residential and development continues to…